labor relations

Ivrea and Dalmine – a tale of two company towns

The industrial region of Turin-Milan played a central role in the Italian history of labor organisation, relations, and contestation. The FIAT-factories in **Turin** for instance were the focal point of the first large-scale introduction of …

A strategy in search of partners: trade union engagement in workplace innovation

In the wake of the Great Recession and under pressure to find “productivity coalitions” (McLaughlin, 2013), European labor unions in manufacturing sectors are cautiously engaging with strategies of “workplace innovation” and “employee driven …

The shopfloor as setting for lifelong democratic learning

Having a voice at work is linked to broader civic behaviour and attitudes. What does this mean for trade unions and our democratic system?

Collectieve ontslagen: arbeid is niet zomaar een koopwaar

De reacties op het collectief ontslag bij Carrefour zijn doortrokken van een opvallend en disfunctioneel marktdenken over arbeid.

Linking Social Dialogue and the Sustainable Development Goals: Social Dialogue as a Governance Instrument

In this ILO – ITUC Issues Paper we draw on development and labour relations literature to set out an initial framework for the consideration and assessment of how social dialogue can contribute to sustainable development. We start from the …

Economische democratie in de praktijk: op bezoek bij Mondragon

Hoe werkt bestuur, management en inspraak in een enorme werknemerscoöperatieve?

Moeten vakbondsvertegenwoordigers minder bescherming krijgen?

Survey's wijzen er op dat Belgische werknemersvertegenwoordigers zeker niet ‘overbeschermd’ zijn.